Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage is the loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies that have involuntarily ended before 20 weeks. To be called a miscarriage, these pregnancies should have been clinically-recognised on an ultrasound or pregnancy tissue found after the loss.


What are the common names for recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage can also be referred to as recurrent pregnancy loss, habitual abortion or multiple miscarriages.

Recurrent miscarriage is about 15-20%. Early losses that occur even before a missed period may be as high as 30-50%. In women who have a history of two or more previous losses, the risk increases to about 40%. The risk of miscarriage increases with advancing maternal age. Evaluation should be instituted after 2 losses especially in the infertility population. About 5% of women will have at least 2 consecutive miscarriages while only 1% experience 3 or more.

The female reproductive system is made up of the following parts:

  • Vagina: opening of the reproductive system, which allows the entry of sperm
  • Cervix: narrow region that connects the vagina to the uterus
  • Uterus or womb: where a fertilised egg implants and grows to develop into a baby
  • Ovaries: organs on either side of the uterus, which release an egg each month in the prospect of a pregnancy
  • Fallopian tubes: narrow tubes that open out at the ovaries to pick up the released egg for fertilisation

Each month an egg is released from an ovary and is taken up by the fallopian tube. If it gets fertilised by sperm, the embryo travels to the uterus and implants in the uterine membrane. From here, it develops into a baby.

Recurrent miscarriages can take a toll on your physical and emotional wellbeing. It is usually associated with eager anticipation, hope and disappointment, followed by uncertainty, fear, anxiety and grief. You will also have to face the physical and emotional consequences of intense hormonal ups and downs.

Some of the causes of a recurrent miscarriage are:

  • Genetic factors: chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus
  • Structural abnormalities: structural defects in the uterus, polyps and submucous fibroids and Asherman’s syndrome.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome: autoimmune disease associated with recurrent thrombosis (clot formation) in veins and arteries
  • Hormonal imbalance: diabetes, abnormal thyroid function, high prolactin levels and decreased progesterone
  • Placenta: defects in the formation of the placenta and microthrombi in the placental blood supply
  • Severe infections: rare cause
  • Lifestyle factors: alcohol, cigarette smoking, cocaine use and increased caffeine intake

Increasing maternal age is an independent risk factor for recurrent miscarriage. While you can have a 15% risk between ages 30 to 34 years, your risk can increase to 51% and 93% between the ages of 40 to 44 years and 45 years, respectively.

The number of previous miscarriages is another determining factor for recurrent miscarriages; with the risk increasing to about 40% following three earlier pregnancy losses.

The symptoms of a miscarriage are:

  • Light or heavy vaginal bleeding that is irregular or constant
  • Pain, including abdominal pain, pelvic cramps, or a dull persistent ache in your lower back
  • Passing of blood clots or greyish foetal tissue from your vagina

Miscarriage can be of many types such as:

  • Threatened abortion: early symptoms such as vaginal bleeding occurs, without any other symptoms
  • Inevitable abortion: broken membranes or dilated cervix
  • Incomplete abortion: only a part of the pregnancy tissue comes out, with some of it still in the uterus
  • Complete spontaneous abortion: complete expulsion of the pregnancy tissue
  • Missed abortion: foetus has died or not developed, but there are no symptoms of a miscarriage, and the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus
  • Septic abortion: foetal material has been infected before, during or after a miscarriage

Miscarriage can be of many types such as:

  • Threatened abortion: early symptoms such as vaginal bleeding occurs, without any other symptoms
  • Inevitable abortion: broken membranes or dilated cervix
  • Incomplete abortion: only a part of the pregnancy tissue comes out, with some of it still in the uterus
  • Complete spontaneous abortion: complete expulsion of the pregnancy tissue
  • Missed abortion: foetus has died or not developed, but there are no symptoms of a miscarriage, and the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus
  • Septic abortion: foetal material has been infected before, during or after a miscarriage


What are the consequences of not treating recurrent miscarriage?

Left untreated, you may not be able to get pregnant.

Treatment is centred around the underlying cause of recurrent miscarriage and may include:

  • Medication to treat antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Surgery for structural abnormalities
  • Hormone therapy to treat conditions characterised by hormonal imbalances

Treatment for couples with chromosomal abnormalities:

  • Genetic counselling on future risks for recurrent miscarriage
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis along with IVF
  • Egg or sperm donation
  • Adoption

The lifestyle recommendations to prevent recurrent miscarriage are:

  • Avoid smoking cigarettes
  • Avoid cocaine
  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Reduce excess caffeine intake

Extensive research is being done to find better treatment options for recurrent miscarriage. Some of the recent studies are listed below:

  • Matjila MJ, Hoffman A, van der Spuy ZM. Medical conditions associated with recurrent miscarriage-Is BMI the tip of the iceberg? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 May 3;214:91-96.
  • Ebina Y, Nishino Y, Deguchi M, Maesawa Y, Nakashima Y, Yamada H. Natural killer cell activity in women with recurrent miscarriage: Etiology and pregnancy outcome. J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Apr;120:42-47.
  • Promberger R, Walch K, Seemann R, Pils S, Ott J. A Retrospective Study on the Association between Thyroid Autoantibodies with ?2-glycoprotein and Cardiolipin Antibodies in Recurrent Miscarriage. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017 Feb;16(1):72-76.
  • Tur-Torres MH, Garrido-Gimenez C, Alijotas-Reig J. Genetics of recurrent miscarriage and fetal loss. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2017 Mar 27.

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