Common contraception myths addressed

Currently, many birth control options are available to women, however there is some misinformation. This article will tackle the most common contraception misconceptions. You have to take a pill during the same time every day: Whilst having a daily routine of taking the pill at the same time every day is a good practice it […]
Common childbirth myths addressed

It has been 9 months of pregnancy and now your bundle of joy is about to arrive. You may start hearing lots opinions from friends and mothers, as well as reading information on the internet. It is easy to get overwhelmed, confused and misinformed when it comes to delivery. This article will dispel some of […]
Common antenatal tests

Antenatal tests are an important part of ensuring a healthy pregnancy. They can help you and your health professionals find out whether you are at risk of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities or other congenital conditions. Chromosomal abnormalities are when there are missing or extra genetic materials, which can lead to physical and/or intellectual […]
Caution for “promising” COVID-19 treatments

Scientists around the world are racing to develop effective treatments for COVID-19. There are currently at least 12 potential treatments being tested, including some existing medications for treating malaria and HIV. Instead of developing new treatments, repurposing those that are known to be safe can save precious time and lives. Hopefully, more than one drug […]
Can We Develop Immunity to COVID-19?
Recently, Britain’s health secretary Matt Hancock suggested that “Immunity certificates” may be issued to people who have immunity against COVID-19. The hope is that by identifying people who have already had the coronavirus, they can return to work and help kick off the economy again. Despite a scientifically sound rationale behind immunity certificates, the nature […]
Can We Choose the Sex of Our Baby?

Can we choose the sex of our baby? Choosing the sex of your IVF baby is possible, but not everywhere or in every case… Reasons for choosing your baby’s gender? There may be a number of reasons why you are considering IVF treatment, just like there are a number of reasons why you may wish […]
Back or Pelvic pain during pregnancy? – Pelvic Girdle Pain explained

Many women experience pregnancy-related low back pain and/or pelvic pain. Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP), also referred to as Pelvic Instability, is pain at the back of the pelvis, and/or pain over the pubic joint. It is important for pregnant women to understand this condition, and be aware of the treatment options, particularly if the pain […]
Assisted/artificial oocyte activation: a game changer or ticking bomb?

Assisted reproductive technology has been game-changing for many couples struggling with infertility. However, it is not bullet-proof as total fertilisation failure can still occur in 1-3% of all intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles. This can be devastating to patients who have gone through multiple rounds of stimulations and transfers, hopes and disappointments. Is there anything […]
Are there risks of getting coronavirus from grocery shopping?

Today, grocery shopping is perhaps the only outdoor activity for many people. Many people have asked whether it is possible to bring home coronavirus while getting groceries. The chance is very low, if you do all the things right! As with any occasion, maintaining a 2 metres distance with other people is the most important […]
All about foetal movement (baby kicks!)

Feeling your little one play around in the tummy is one of the most exciting moments of a pregnancy. What better proof is there that an energetic new life is developing within you? While most mums love the baby kicks, they also bring a whole lot of questions like: when should my baby start kicking? […]