What Happens to Your Leftover Embryos After Fertility Treatment?

Many people who go through the process of freezing their eggs for the purpose of IVF find that after they successfully have a child or a few children, they do not know what to do with the leftover embryos. When you’re spending all that time and effort in just getting pregnant, you don’t think about […]
What does a high viral load mean for COVID-19?

“Viral load” and “viral shedding” are popular medical terms lately that have caused many confusions. Some think that a higher viral load makes the infected individual sicker, whilst others think that it makes the individual more infectious. Which one is correct? What is viral load? After an individual is first infected with COVID-19, the virus […]
What Causes Male Infertility

Here’s a look at some of the many factors contributing to male infertility, and what you can do to increase your sperm count… How can male infertility be classified? Primarily there are three main classifications of causes of male infertility, each containing numerous contributing factors: Medical – Clinical reasons include medication, infections, hormone imbalances, sexual […]
Varicose veins management in pregnancy

Varicose veins are one of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy. They occur due to many changes that take place in the woman’s body: change in hormone levels, increased blood volume and a compromised venous return. The most common and visible place for varicose veins are the legs, however they can also occur around vagina […]
Vaginal steaming: the sorcery for your vagina

Because of the recent pandemic, we are all a lot more mindful about hygiene. Although washing your hands is definitely a great practice, some people seem to be a little over with the vagina. It makes sense to keep it clean, but what is this vaginal steaming that celebrities like Jennifer Gunter and Gwyneth Paltrow […]

If you had a Caesarean section in the past, can you still have a vaginal birth in the future? This is a question that many mothers ask considering the 1 in 3 C-section rate here in Australia. Of these women, 84% will have another C-section. So is the old saying “once a caesarean, always a […]
Until What Age Can I Qualify for IVF?

What age is too old for IVF? I thought it was too late for me…but I heard that’s not true – is it? Is there a legal limit for IVF Candidates? Age limits on IVF treatment vary from country to country and from clinic to clinic, however there is no ‘legal’ age limit. The oldest […]
Unexplained Infertility Treatment and What to Do Next

Living with a medically unexplained diagnosis can be both a relief and a cause of anxiety for patients. On one hand, your specialists have effectively ruled out several undesirable causes for your symptoms but on the other hand, you are still living with those symptoms. For couples who have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, this […]
Understanding the menstrual cycle and hormone-based contraceptives

Hormonal management of contraception is built on the knowledge of hormonal changes during a menstrual cycle. Each cycle is typically 28 days on average, and can be divided into the follicular phase, the ovulation day and the luteal phase. At each stage, the balance between gonadotrophin-releasing hormones and sex hormones is dynamically tuned. The gonadotrophins […]
Understanding the Connection: The Contraceptive Pill and PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects 1 in 20 women of childbearing age, characterised by hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems. The relationship between the contraceptive pill and PCOS is a subject of interest and importance for many women dealing with this condition. The Role of the Contraceptive Pill in Managing PCOS The […]