Tubal Infertility Tests & Treatment Explained

Your fallopian tubes play a crucial role in the fertilisation process, acting as a safe pathway to the uterine cavity and the meeting place for the sperm and egg. If you are having difficulty falling pregnant, your fertility specialist may identify the fallopian tubes as a possible cause of infertility. Tubal Factor Infertility refers to […]
Top 7 Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy

Many women now like to exercise during pregnancy and for many there is no reason at all why they shouldn’t. There is, however, some information and knowledge that is good to have under your belt when deicing what is right for you. Making changes whilst pregnant can also benefit your post-birth recovery and rebuild. Maintain […]
Top 5 tips for Christmas when trying to conceive

To help you through the busy upcoming Christmas period, here are our top tips on how you can prepare your body for conception. 1. Take a prenatal vitaminIt is advisable to start taking a prenatal vitamin three months before trying to conceive. This is to make sure the woman’s folic acid, iron and vitamin D […]
Things that working parents should know about children getting sick

You finally return to work after a lengthy maternity leave. You try to be super organised: you get a place at the daycare centre near your house, and coordinate your child’s daily drop off and pick up with your hubby. Then something unplanned hits you like a ton of bricks: your child’s first winter season […]
The role of mitochondria in egg quality and ageing

The female egg is the largest cell in the human body and the richest in mitochondria – the energy powerhouse for all of our cellular activities. The egg is tasked with many energy-demanding activities, including ensuring the correct amount of genetic materials passed down to our offspring. Interestingly, the inheritance of mitochondria is tightly maternal. […]
The Role of Killer Cell in Male Infertility

What role do natural killer cells play in male infertility? ‘Killer Cells’?…sounds like a title for a ‘B’ grade movie, what do they have to do with infertility? What are ‘killer cells’? As part of the human body’s natural immune system it produces cells which protect the body from invasion against disease and infections. These […]
The Real Cost of Cut-Price IVF

Australians are rightfully proud of their universal healthcare system, one which consistently ranks top 10 in the world. Medicare helps many Australians access doctors, specialists and other allied health professionals while also providing access to low-cost prescriptions and free public healthcare. One of the tenets of the Medicare system is bulk billing, which covers most […]
The pandemic’s impact on stillbirth

It’s been almost an entire year that the world was challenged with the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic. Not only are vulnerable people and businesses affected, but also high-risk pregnancies. In the latest news article by world’s leading science journal “Nature“, we learn yet another disturbing trend: a sharp rise in the proportion of pregnancies ending in […]
The Ovaries

The Importance of Pelvic Floor Exercises for Pregnancy

Your pelvic floor is a group of ligaments and muscles that attach to the front of your pubic bone and the back of your tail bone from the base of your pelvis. The pelvic floor supports the bladder, uterus and bowel. A strong pelvic floor is especially important before, during and after pregnancy because it […]