Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and female fertility
Regular check-ups for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) should be an essential part of your and your partner’s health. If you are looking to start a family, there is even more reason to make sure that there are no infections untreated. Some people think that there is no need to check for STIs because there is […]
Secondary Infertility and Problems Having another Child

Many people assume that their fertility worries are over once they have successfully conceived, carried and given birth to their first child. However, even if you had no issue falling pregnant the first or subsequent times, infertility can affect you later in life. While ageing is often a factor in secondary infertility, there are many […]
Prolactin and hyperprolactinemia

High prolactin, or hyperprolactinemia is one of the most common causes for the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), accounting for 15-30% of all cases. It mostly affects young women of reproductive age and can contribute to infertility. What does prolactin normally do, and what effects does hyperprolactinemia have? The functions of prolactin The main role of […]
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing In IVF

What is pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT)? A significant portion of embryos created by either natural conception or Assisted Reproductive Technology may carry genetic abnormalities such as incorrect number of chromosomes. These mistakes are usually fatal as they lead to implantation failures or miscarriages. Although it may sound horrible, these failed pregnancies are actually nature’s screening […]
Polycystic ovaries or PCOS – What’s the difference?

A common confusion among women, is understanding the difference between having polycystic ovaries (PCO) and having been diagnosed with a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCO refers to an ultrasound scan image of the ovaries that appear to be polycystic (ovaries containing high density of partially mature follicles). PCOS is a metabolic condition that may or […]
Planning Your Pregnancy the Best Time to Have Sex

Planning to start a family can be a truly joyous and exciting time for couples. However, after months without results, some couples begin to worry about infertility and sexual health problems. When planning to start a family, patience is important. While many couples fall pregnant in less than six months, 40% of couples wait from […]
PGT-A: A double edged sword?

The selection of the best quality embryos to transfer during in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is crucially important to maximise treatment success. Quality assessment is largely based on morphological features, such as the number and appearance of cells. However, these qualitative measurements are not the most reliable, as almost two-thirds of couples still do not get […]
PCOS and its Impact on Fertility

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is no joke. It’s a grim, unpleasant medical condition, and it’s a risk to fertility. PCOS affects a surprisingly large number of women. This condition affects women differently and it can reduce fertility. It can also cause “sub fertility”, a condition which directly affects the ability to get pregnant. PCOS is […]
Overseas Egg Donation – What to Know Before You Go

A shortage of donors and an increasing demand for eggs has encouraged more infertile couples to go overseas to find a donor, often at a fraction of the price. If you are thinking about finding an egg donor in another country, make sure you are aware of the laws and regulations of the country you […]
Our pick – free Ovulation Calendar App

Tracking your menstruation cycle is important to get pregnant or avoid getting pregnant. There are just few days in each cycle that a woman can get pregnant – ‘the fertile window’. The most likely days to conceive are the two days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Why should I track my period cycle? […]