Nutrition and supplementation facts for preconception planning
During the famous Dutch famine of 1944-1945, the daily nutritional intake of pregnant women was reduced to only approximately 400-1000 calories, which is well under the 1800-2400 calories recommendation. As a result, infants who were subjected to mid or late gestation calorie restriction were born lighter. Later in adulthood, these children also experienced reduced glucose […]
New knowns and unknowns about COVID-19

Scientists are learning more about the coronavirus every day. Research is being published at a furious place thanks to unprecedented global cooperation. Let’s look at what new pieces have been added to the puzzle in the past week as well as new concerns that were raised. Loss of smell is also a common symptom A […]
Myths and Facts – Improving Male Fertility

Throughout history, a couple’s inability to conceive has been blamed on the woman who would be called an “incomplete woman” for being unable to carry children. However, only one-third of infertility problems are related to the woman. Another third of the problems with infertility are due to male conditions, and the final third are a […]
Morning sickness – what are my options?

Early weeks of pregnancy may be perceived as a blooming period for a woman. The reality: a large proportion of women in the first trimester will suffer from an unpleasant sign of pregnancy – morning sickness. Why does it happen? Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that frequently occurs in the morning, but […]
Mode of transmission for COVID-19: droplet contact or airborne?

We know that COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that can be passed onto people within close contact with an infected case. However, there have been debates regarding whether it is transmitted via droplet contact or airborne transmission. What’s the difference and which one is right? Droplet contact Droplets containing the virus can be generated when […]
Men and Fertility: How to Prepare

If you and your partner are trying to conceive but facing some roadblocks, you will want to consider all the possibilities. While around one-third of fertility problems are due to women’s problems, the rest are caused by male infertility. Fertility problems are not anyone’s fault, there are a few things that a male can consider […]
Male sub-fertility or infertility? Semen analysis – explained

It is commonly assumed that couples’ inability to conceive is due to a problem with a woman. In actual fact, the male factor contributes to roughly half of the infertility cases. Male infertility/sub-fertility is often due to the sperm production, getting it to reach the egg and fertilising it. For this reason semen analysis is […]
Magnesium supplements – can it help with cramps in pregnancy?

Magnesium supplementation in the reduction of muscle cramps in pregnancy – is there evidence supporting its use? Dosages recommended. What supplement brands to use? Up to half of pregnant women in the second and third trimester complain of leg cramps particularly at night. There have been various mechanisms postulated for this effect, some of which […]
Low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia

Recently in the media, Beyoncé (singer) and Serena Williams (professional tennis player) opened up about their experience with a potentially fatal pregnancy complication preeclamsia. So, what do these women have in common apart from being famous? They are both African American, both recently have given birth, and both had to deliver earlier then their due […]
IVF Success Rate Interpretation What You Need to Know

In Vitro Fertilisation can be a very evocative and emotionally charged topic. For many couples, IVF comes after a long period of uncertainty about their fertility and the process itself can also be long, emotionally taxing and expensive. Because of this, when women and couples embark on a journey of assisted reproduction, one of the […]