IVF Nutrition Plan

Should I consider an IVF nutrition plan When you’re considering or undertaking IVF nutrition is really important for your chances of success. Keeping it balanced A healthy balanced diet includes fresh foods from each of five food groups, and we mean ‘fresh’. Processed, frozen or even overcooked foods don’t offer the full benefit of the […]
Is there a link between natural killer cells and miscarriage?

Conceiving isn’t my problem…but I keep miscarrying. Are killer cells responsible? What do ‘killer cells’ do to cause miscarriage exactly? What is speculated to happen here is that the body’s natural override or suppression of NK cells in the blood may be effective, this allows conception. However, it is thought that NK cells present in […]
Insomnia and anxiety in the COVID lockdown

The second wave of coronavirus is hitting the state of Victoria as we speak. In the absence of a vaccine, Melbourne residents currently face the strictest restrictions in Australia. Although social distancing, travel bans and lockdowns are very much necessary to stop the pandemic, they also facilitate health problems such as insomnia, anxiety and depression. […]
Infographic: PCO vs PCOS

We have previously published an article sourced from Fertility Pharmacy on the differences between PCO (polycystic ovaries) and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). PCO vs PCOS – a visual representation Here’s a visual representation of the material to give you an even faster understanding of the differences, their risks and symptoms, as well as impacts on […]
Improve Semen Analysis Through Nutrition

Is there anything I can do to improve the viability of my sperm? You are what you eat! Nutrition, lifestyle and exercise all play a vital role in the health of your body…and the same goes for sperm health too. Being overweight, leading a sedentary yet stressful life, addictions like alcohol and tobacco…all have an […]
How to tell the difference between IVF clinics

Since going on an IVF journey is not an easy or cheap decision to make, how to choose the right clinic that can offer the best chance of success is a very important question. Is it worth traveling the extra miles to do your IVF in a bigger clinic? But how do you know if […]
How to stay healthy and sane during quarantine

Staying at home is meant to put an end to the COVID-19 crisis, but not your healthy lifestyle. It’s natural that many may be struggling with healthy eating and sticking to a “normal” fitness routine when things are everything but normal. However, there are ways to help! This ABC Coronacast covered some great tips for […]
How to pinpoint ovulation time?

Ovulation is the key event that happens only once during a woman’s menstrual cycle. This is when a mature egg is released from the ovary due to a surge in the Luteinising Hormone (LH). Upon release, the egg travels to the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilised by a sperm. Since an egg lives […]
How to Know When You’re Ovulating

Every month, about 15 to 20 eggs are produced in your body. Ovulation happens when one or more of those eggs are released from your ovary. Usually it’s the largest that gets pushed out of the pelvic cavity and into the fallopian tube. To determine when you ovulate, try marking the calendar on the first […]
How many COVID-19-infected people are asymptomatic?

One of the priorities in characterising the COVID-19 pandemic is estimating how many people are asymptomatic transmitters of the virus. These covert infections are different to unreported cases due to inefficiencies in the local authorities. Instead, they refer to people who are incubating and potentially spreading the virus without knowing it. Asymptomatic rate estimates Some […]