Fees & Cancellations

Consulting Fees

We are a private clinic and charge private-practices fees. Bulk-billing at doctor’s discretion. Full payment is required on the day of your appointment for a visit in person. We then send the claim to Medicare on your behalf and you will receive the Medicare rebate directly into your nominated bank account, usually within 2 working days. Private health insurance does not cover consultation costs unless you are an inpatient in the hospital.

Obstetric Fees

My “Management of Pregnancy” fee is divided into the following payments (the following fees apply if you have Private Health Insurance which covers Obstetrics and an Australian Medicare Card):

Obstetric Visits &**Item Numbers

Billed Amount


1. First visit – ** 104

$180 – $220
(+/- ultrasound)

$76.80 = Rebate from

2. Antenatal Management
Fee due @ 20 week visit.
** 16590



Once the final 30 week fee has
been paid, you will receive a
medicare rebate of 
approximately $551.00

3. Antenatal Management
Fee due @ 30 week visit.


4. Normal delivery **16519

Billed to your Health

Fully covered by health funds.

5. Complicated delivery **16522

6. Antenatal visits **16500


$41.70 Medicare rebate.
$75.45 after safety net has
has been reached.

7. Postnatal visit **105

 Bulk Billed

Fully covered by Medicare.

Please be aware that your current referral from your general practitioner may not cover you throughout your pregnancy.

In order to minimise your out-of-pocket expenses, it is important to provide a referral to cover your entire pregnancy including your six week post-natal check.

Tests that Dr Polyakov will order for you during your pregnancy

They include blood type, Hepatitis B, Rubella etc – Bulk Billed.

$210 approx at specialist ultrasound – partial rebate by Medicare.
Morphology scan at specialist ultrasound – $210 approximately – partial rebate by Medicare.
Glucose test and Haemoglobin check – blood test bulk billed.
Dependant on growth – Ultrasound scan approx. $210- partial rebate by Medicare

GBS SWAB – vaginal swab – Bulk Billed

Occurs in hospital – performed in the Delivery Suite if baby is overdue (past due date) or small in size for dates.

Please note that it is recommended for ALL pregnant women to have a flu vaccine once it become available in the flu season.

It is also recommended that pregnant women between 28 and 36 weeks gestation be vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis). Partners should also be vaccinated at that time. Both flu and whooping cough vaccinations are usually administered by your family doctor (GP).


If you need to cancel an appointment, please telephone our clinic during business hours and allow at least 24 – 48 hours’ notice so that we can offer your appointment time to other patients that are eagerly waiting for a consultation. Same-day cancellations may attract a cancellation fee, which would need to be paid before further consultations are offered.

Start your journey today.

Get in touch to ask a question or book an appointment.