Pre-Operative Instructions

Barrier methods

A thorough pre-operative assessment of your gynaecological and other comorbid medical conditions will be performed, and the most optimum surgical procedure will be chosen. You will be informed about all the treatment options available for your condition including alternatives for surgery and less invasive techniques. Risks and benefits of surgery will also be discussed.

There are several surgical options to treat gynaecological problems such as fibroids, endometriosis and cancer. The treatment options are:

  • Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids involves the removal of fibroids using a hysteroscope.
  • Laparoscopy or “keyhole surgery”, involves insertion of a thin tube through the abdomen to remove the fibroids. It may also be performed to remove adhesion on the uterus.
  • Open surgery is one in which an abdominal incision is made to remove larger fibroids.
  • Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a part or the entire uterus and is done in cases of endometriosis, when conservative options fail and in cancer of the endometrium and uterus. It is considered only if you are not planning a pregnancy in the future.
  • Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of ovaries and is done in case of ovarian cancer.
  • Laparotomy is used to cut or burn tissue, or remove cysts.

Pre-operative care generally includes assessment and preparation of the patient for surgery. The objective of pre-operative care is to achieve best surgical outcome and alleviate a patient’s anxiety. All the necessary information will be given to the patients regarding the surgical procedure, risks and complications of the surgery, and what to expect after surgery.

The general pre-operative instructions are as follows:

  • On the previous day of your surgery, avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight. You may have breakfast, light lunch, and dinner.
  • If you are on regular prescription medicine, you can take them with only a sip of water on the morning of your surgery.
  • Avoid chewing any gum on the day of surgery.
  • You should discontinue aspirin containing medications 14 days prior to your surgery.
  • Inform your surgeon if you are taking blood thinning medications.
  • Please inform your gynaecologist if you are having diabetes, so that special instructions will be given.
  • Please bring all your medications along with you on the day of surgery.
  • Do not wear contact lens or any jewellery when you come for surgery.
  • Inform your gynaecologist if you have chest pain, heart problems, breathing difficulty or any physical change prior to surgery. Your surgery can be rescheduled if you have severe cold or flu like symptoms.
  • Abstain from smoking, if you smoke, 24 hours before the surgery.
  • Have someone to accompany and drive you home as you will not be able to drive after surgery.

Post-Operative Instructions

The post-operative period refers to the time period between the end of the surgical procedure and when you can restore back to your normal activities. During this period, normal physiological functions get restored, tissues heal from the surgical trauma and physical strength will be regained gradually.
  • You may experience mild to moderate pain at the operation site for several weeks after surgery.
  • Feeling of light-headedness and nausea is common in the initial few days after surgery.
  • Your incisions will be covered with surgical dressing that will be removed after 1 week of the surgery.
  • Do not lift heavy weights for a period of 3-months after surgery.
  • There may be a risk of developing blood clots in the first few days of surgery. This can be prevented by starting to walk early after surgery, avoiding crossing of legs at ankles or knees.
  • Avoid constipation.
  • Eat foods that contain high fibre (fruits and vegetables) or take fibre supplements.
  • Drink minimum of eight glasses of water every day.
  • Use stool softeners prescribed to you.
  • Gradually increase your activity level as it improves bowel function.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 6-weeks following the surgery.
  • You may return to work usually within 6-weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid swimming or using bathtubs until your follow-up visit 6-weeks after surgery.

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