Male Infertility

Dr Alex Polyakov is a fertility specialist in Melbourne who has built a reputation as a doctor who combines his experience as a surgeon, obstetrician and gynaecologist with expertise in reproductive endocrinology. He specialises in women’s fertility and also provides male infertility treatment.

What is male infertility/andrology?

Andrology is the medical speciality that focuses on male reproductive health and disorders, particularly male infertility and sexual dysfunction. Male infertility is a common reproductive problem affecting men. When couples are not able to conceive after having unprotected sex across at least one year, it is important for both partners to be checked by their physician. One out of three infertility cases are linked to issues with the male partner.

Male infertility is a common reproductive problem affecting men. When couples are not able to conceive after having unprotected sex across at least one year, it is important for both partners to be checked by their physician. One out of three infertility cases are linked to issues with the male partner.

Some of the common causes of male infertility may include:

  • Abnormal sperm size, shape, number and motility
  • Enlarged veins in the scrotum (varicocele)
  • Backward ejaculation of sperm (retrograde ejaculation)
  • Undescended testicles
  • Blockage of sperm-carrying ducts
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Attack of sperm by the body’s own defence system
  • Chromosomal abnormalities
  • Certain diseases and infections such as kidney disease, testicular cancer and sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
  • Certain medications and prior surgeries
  • Problems with sexual intercourse
  • Excessive exposure to radiation, industrial chemicals and heavy metal
  • Excessive use of illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco smoking
  • Stress and obesity
  • Cancer treatment

You may not show any symptoms of infertility until you try for a baby. When symptoms do show, they may include:

  • Changes in hair growth
  • Changes in sexual drive
  • Small, firm testicles that may be painful, or have a lump or swelling
  • Difficulty with erection and ejaculation

You may be at a risk of male infertility if you have the following factors:

  • Smoking, excessive alcohol intake and drug abuse
  • Overweight
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Overheating or trauma to the testicles
  • Previous major abdominal or pelvic surgery, or vasectomy (permanent birth control)
  • Past or present infections
  • History of undescended testicles
  • Family history of fertility disorder
  • Certain medical conditions, including tumour and sickle cell disease
  • Certain medications
  • Undergoing medical treatments for cancer

To diagnose male infertility, your doctor will first conduct a general physical examination and medical history to understand your sexual habits, sexual development during puberty, chronic health problems, medications and surgeries that could lead to infertility. Additional male fertility tests that may be ordered include:

  • Semen analysis: This is a laboratory test carried out to assess the sperm count and quality from semen sample ejaculated into a sterile bottle.
  • Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate: It is an investigation carried out to evaluate the prostate gland and detect any obstruction in the ducts that transport the sperm.
  • Scrotal ultrasound: This is an imaging test to diagnose abnormalities of the scrotum or testicles.
  • Testicular biopsy: A small piece of tissue is removed from the testicle using a sterile needle and evaluated under a microscope.
  • Anti-sperm antibody tests: This test is performed to trace the antibodies that attack sperm.

There are 2 types of male infertility:

  • Primary infertility: you are unable to support a pregnancy after a minimum of 1 year of having unprotected sex
  • Secondary infertility: you have been able to support a conception at least once, but are now unable

Male infertility treatment depends upon the cause of infertility. Sometimes, a combination of treatment options will be suggested to overcome the underlying problem. These include:

  • Surgery: indicated in cases of obstruction of the sperm duct, to improve the sperm motion and backward ejaculation of sperm
  • Medications: drugs such as antibiotics prescribed to treat infections of the reproductive system
  • Male hormone replacement therapy: may be used to treat hormonal imbalances

What are the alternative treatments for male infertility?

Some of the alternative treatments for male infertility may include:

  • Counselling for sexual intercourse problems and relationships: This can help to boost fertility levels.
  • Lifestyle modifications may be suggested: This includes changing habits such as illegal drugs, smoking and alcohol intake, and using stress reduction techniques.

How is male infertility surgery performed?

Some of the common surgeries performed to treat male factor infertility are:

Varicocelectomy is surgery to treat a varicocele, which is the most common cause of infertility in men. The enlarged veins in the scrotum are ligated, sparing the neighbouring arteries and lymph vessels.

This involves the reversal of a vasectomy surgery, where the vas deferens are cut, clamped or sealed. During vasovasostomy your surgeon reconstructs the severed vas deferens with stiches, allowing the easy passage of sperm.

This procedure involves opening the ejaculatory ducts and allowing the normal flow of ejaculate.

Sperm can be retrieved from the testis or epididymis, by either inserting a needle through the skin or by making a small incision and aspirating it.

ART is another option for male infertility treatment. This includes revolutionary treatment procedures that help couples with infertility problems to conceive. Some of them include:

intrauterine insemination (IUI), where sperm is placed into the female partner’s reproductive tract
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a healthy sperm is directly injected into the egg
In vitro fertilisation (IVF), where fertilisation takes place outside the body in a lab.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure by which washed ejaculated sperm are placed in the uterus at the time of your partner’s ovulation. IUI is indicated in the following cases:

  • Low sperm count
  • Low motility
  • Presence of antisperm antibodies
  • Erectile dysfunction or inability to ejaculate

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a technique where a mature sperm is injected directly into an egg that is isolated from your partner. ICSI is indicated in the below cases to treat:

  • Few or dysfunctional sperm
  • Presence of antisperm antibodies
  • Ejaculated, surgically removed or cryopreserved sperm (from cancer patients)
  • Repeated failure with IVF

A mature sperm and egg are recovered from you and your partner through the same procedure followed for IVF. The sperm tail is crushed to prevent motility. It is picked up by a micropipette and injected directly into the egg. This is then allowed to fertilise and the fertilised embryo is inserted into your partner’s womb for implantation.

All ART procedures require the recovery of sperm. If sperm are retrieved through surgery, you will be able leave the hospital in a short while. You may experience pain or mild discomfort for a few days, for which you will be prescribed pain medication. You are advised to wear a scrotal support (jock strap) for about 48 hours to protect your scrotum and testes and reduce discomfort. Stitches are usually dissolvable and do not require removing. You will be able to resume your normal activities in about 4 to 5 days after surgery.

How can male infertility be prevented?

Male infertility cannot be prevented, but there are certain strategies that can help maintain the quality and quantity of sperm:

  • Avoid smoking, drugs and excessive alcohol intake.
  • Avoid high temperatures such as hot tubs and steam baths.
  • Avoid exposure to environmental and industrial toxins.
  • Discuss with your doctor on the use of certain medications that may affect your fertility.
  • Exercise regularly in moderation.
  • Consider ways of protecting your fertility from cancer treatment.

What is the current research regarding male infertility?

Extensive research is being done to find better treatment options for male infertility. Some of the recent studies are listed below:

  • Min KB, Min JY. Exposure to environmental noise and risk for male infertility: A 2population-based cohort study. Environ Pollut. 2017 Apr 12;226:118-124.
  • Halder A, Kumar P, Jain M, Kalsi AK. Genomics: Tool to predict and prevent male infertility. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2017 Jun 1;9:448-508.
  • Sinha A, Singh V, Yadav S. Multi-omics and male infertility: status, integration and future prospects. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2017 Jun 1;9:375-394.
  • Mittal PK, Little B, Harri PA, et al. Role of Imaging in the Evaluation of Male Infertility. Radiographics. 2017 Apr 14:160125.


Male infertility accounts for 20-30% of failed pregnancies and contributes to 50% of overall cases. Specifically, in Australia, the rate of male infertility is 9%.

Male fertility is based on the production of healthy sperm and delivering them into a female partner’s reproductive tract. This basic function may be impaired by many structural and functional factors.

The male reproductive system consists of the following:

  • Testicles: produce and store sperm
  • Epididymis and vas deferens: ducts that transport sperm from the testicles
  • Scrotum: sac of skin that contains the testes and epididymis outside the pelvic cavity in order to maintain the optimal temperature needed for sperm to survive
  • Accessory glands: seminal vesicles and prostate gland lubricate and form a part of the semen, which is the liquid part of the ejaculate that contains sperm
  • Urethra: carries sperm to the outside. It is also a part of the urinary system.
  • Penis: muscular organ containing the urethra, and responsible for the ejaculation of sperm into a woman’s uterus
    Male fertility is dependent on the quantity and quality of sperm produced by the testis, and its transportation to the woman’s uterus through the penis.
Left untreated, you may not be able to father a biological offspring.
Male infertility can be associated with many other conditions such as varicocele, tumour, undescended testicles, cystic fibrosis, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Kallmann’s syndrome, hypospadias, celiac disease and Kartagener’s syndrome.

You may be a good candidate for male infertility surgery if you have:

  • Obstructive or nonobstructive azoospermia: lack of motile sperm in semen
  • Oligospermia: low sperm count
  • Varicocele: enlarged scrotum veins
  • Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO)
  • Problems with ejaculation
  • Want to reverse previous vasectomy

If you have been trying to conceive, get honest & transparent fertility advice from Dr Alex Polyakov male infertility specialists in Melbourne. Visit our fertility clinic or book an appointment.

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