Normal pregnancy care

As an obstetric specialist, Dr Alex’s care covers every major phase of your pregnancy.

An Experienced Obstetrician for Each Trimester of Pregnancy

First trimester care includes:

  • Ongoing checks of both your health and your baby’s health
  • Support and answers to any questions or concerns you have
  • Lifestyle advice, essential nutrition and exercise

Second trimester care includes:

  • Ongoing checks of the baby’s development and changes in your health
  • Ultrasounds, screening tests and sex determination
  • Ongoing tests to check for complications and tailor your care plan, which will continue for the remainder of your pregnancy

Third trimester care includes:

  • More detailed information about labour and delivery
  • Discussions about surgical delivery, vaginal birth and medication considerations
  • Initial information about life after pregnancy

Labour Options and Assistance

As your obstetrician, Dr Alex Polyakov is here for you from conception to delivery. In the lead up to labour, Dr Alex can help you understand the signs of labour as well as recommend childbirth preparation classes if desired.

We will discuss and put your preferences for the delivery into action: vaginal birth, elective Caesarean Section, pain relief options (if any) and the use of extra equipment.

Start your journey today.

Get in touch to ask a question or book an appointment.