
Endoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed using an endoscope, a thin instrument with camera and a lighted device attached to it.


Endoscopy is conducted through openings of the body like the vagina, or by laparoscopy, where small incisions are made. Surgeons need to be well-trained and experienced to perform endoscopic surgeries.

Endoscopes currently have wide applications in medicine as they can be used for diagnosing and treating various conditions. Gynaecologic endoscopic surgery is indicated for:

  • Endometriosis
  • Benign ovarian cysts
  • Residual ovary syndrome
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polyps
  • Pelvic pain

Surgical procedure

Endoscopic surgeries are usually performed under general anaesthesia. During the procedure, your surgeon makes small incisions to introduce the endoscope and miniature surgical instruments (laparoscopy) or will insert the instruments through a natural opening (hysteroscopy). The light attached to the scope illuminates the relevant area and the camera displays the internal structures on a monitor. This helps the surgeon to evaluate the abnormality and direct the surgical instruments to repair or remove the degenerated tissue. At the end of laparoscopy, the surgical incisions are closed by sutures and a dressing pad is applied.

Advantages of endoscopic surgery when compared with the conventional surgery include

  • Smaller incisions
  • Less scaring
  • Reduced operating time
  • Less postoperative pain and discomfort
  • Minimal damage to the surrounding structures
  • Quick recovery and return to normal activities
  • Usually performed as an outpatient procedure

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