How has Australia performed so far and what’s the future for COVID-19?

Although Australia is doing well flattening the COVID-19 curve, things don’t look that great elsewhere in the world. As of 15 April, the total number of reported cases worldwide has passed 2 million, merely 2 weeks after reaching 1 million. The US leads the daily increase, followed by Spain and Italy. The pandemic has affected […]
How do Natural Killer Cells Affect Fertility?

What are ‘natural killer cells’? The human body has its own natural defence system against attacks from illness and disease. When foreign bodies are identified, these natural killer (NK) cells rush in to provide immunity. It is suspected that in some cases of infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss and early miscarriage Natural Killer Cells attack […]
How can lesbian couples build a family through assisted reproductive technologies?

Australia is one of world’s most LGBTQ-accepting countries, as a poll found that even back in 2013, 79% of Australians agreed that homosexuality should be accepted by society. Our laws legally protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, and they have largely equal rights including childbearing. If you belong to this community and are thinking about having […]
Healthy lifestyle for fertility and pregnancy: a focus on nutrition

We all know that an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can lead to chronic diseases down the road, but many young and even middle-aged people still hold the belief that they are too young to be affected. Although heart diseases and cancer may not kick in straight away, poor lifestyle factors can have immediate and far-reaching […]
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Egg Freezing

If you are a woman in her fertile years who is looking to increase your chances of reproducing in the future, you might start considering freezing your eggs. Unlike men who produce sperm throughout their adult lives, women are born with all of the eggs they are likely to produce. If you are in your […]
Free Whooping Cough vaccination in pregnancy

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is spread by airborne droplets from the upper respiratory tract when the infected person coughs or sneezes. In young babies it is particularly dangerous due severe symptoms and life-threatening complications. Infants have small airways and the pertussis infection in […]
First-Line Infertility Investigations for Men and Women

Attempting to fall pregnant is not always a joyous experience, especially when a couple is worried about infertility. Its important to note that while infertility is not uncommon, natural conception also takes time. It is perfectly natural for couples even young and fertile ones to take 6 months to a year to fall […]
Fertility Treatment Options for Women Over 40

You may have heard a range of different things about fertility treatments for women over 40. Tales range from the fictional to the latest technologies. Unfortunately however, the quality of information provided to women over 40 in the media is usually unreliable. Don’t get too upset if you’re over 40 and want to have a […]
Fertility Preservation – should I do it?

More and more women delaying having children, with many now opting to place their biological clocks on hold and freeze their eggs. In our busy, career oriented world, a woman may find herself reaching her mid-thirties, not in a relationship, or simply is not yet ready to have children. In such case, having her eggs […]
Fertility preservation for cancer patients

Largely due to today’s career and culture shift, women worldwide are giving birth later in life. For example, the average age of births was 25.4 years following the second World War, but it rose sharply to 30.6 years in 2017. Thanks to advancing fertility preservation technologies, many modern women have the option to “stop” their […]