Fertility Preservation for a Young Breast Cancer Patient

Fertility issues for young sufferers from breast cancer are complex. There are real health issues which go beyond the medical condition. Fertility can also be affected by radiation treatments and medication. The bottom line here is that the medical condition might spoil chances of having a family. This isn’t always the case, but it is […]
Father’s role beyond fertilisation

Traditionally, women are held largely accountable for their offspring’s health. The male sperm is no doubt necessary for fertilisation but seems less important for the subsequent development compared to the female egg. However, growing research now suggests that the father’s role extends well beyond providing his half of the genetic information. It is capable of […]
Exercise during conception planning: yes or no?

We all know that exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes to conception and pregnancy, you might get completely different advice like “absolutely no exercise”, or “only gentle exercise”. It’s understandable that couples can feel confused or scared, and therefore decide it’s better to be safe than sorry. But […]
Epidurals in labour
Epidurals are one of the most effective and popular methods of pain relief during labour. Like all things pregnancy related, you probably want to know about their benefits and risks. Will it pose a harm to me or my baby? What is an epidural? Epidural analgesia is an injection by a qualified anaesthetic into the […]
Egg Donors – Legalities and Requirements

For many women, donor eggs offer the only chance they have to become a mother. There are many reasons why women need donor eggs, including: Premature menopause Being born without ovaries Previously having cancer treatment An inability to use their own eggs due to genetic causes Repeated lack of success using the IVF program In […]
Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility?

Endometriosis can lead to multiple health complications. Regardless of its severity, it is almost always associated with a reproductive dysfunction manifesting as either infertility or early pregnancy loss. The condition reduces the ability to conceive even in its mildest and earliest stages of development. Endometriosis can influence fertility in a variety of ways, including: Distorted […]
Diagnostic tools for total fertilisation failure

From our last blog, we learned that total fertilisation failure can still occur even after using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a technique that bypasses all the challenges a sperm has to overcome before contacting the egg. Although assisted/artificial oocyte activation (AOA) has been shown to rescue total fertilisation failure in some cases, a proper diagnostic […]
Destressing 101: How to Lower Stress When Trying to Conceive

Many of us think we’re too busy to relax and often make up excuses to avoid quiet time. But it’s important to consider the many benefits involved with destressing. After all, it can have an impact on every aspect of our lives, including our ability to conceive. But it doesn’t need to be like this. […]
Coronavirus myth busters, don’t fall for them

Everyone is talking about the coronavirus, including those who claim to be official health workers from hospitals on social media. The ABC Coronacast has warned that if you see an official-sounding email or page that offers tips like “Don’t drink cold water” or “Hold your breath for 10 seconds”, do not fall for them! Here […]
Constipation post-birth – what are my options?

Constipation is one of the most common post-natal complaints among the new mums. With the arrival of your newborn it can be very distressing to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of constipation. That is why it is important for women to look after themselves post-birth and address this problem to avoid complications. Why I am […]