How can lesbian couples build a family through assisted reproductive technologies?

Australia is one of world’s most LGBTQ-accepting countries, as a poll found that even back in 2013, 79% of Australians agreed that homosexuality should be accepted by society. Our laws legally protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, and they have largely equal rights including childbearing. If you belong to this community and are thinking about having […]

Fertility Preservation – should I do it?

More and more women delaying having children, with many now opting to place their biological clocks on hold and freeze their eggs. In our busy, career oriented world, a woman may find herself reaching her mid-thirties, not in a relationship, or simply is not yet ready to have children. In such case, having her eggs […]

Fertility Treatment Options for Women Over 40

You may have heard a range of different things about fertility treatments for women over 40. Tales range from the fictional to the latest technologies. Unfortunately however, the quality of information provided to women over 40 in the media is usually unreliable. Don’t get too upset if you’re over 40 and want to have a […]

Egg Donors – Legalities and Requirements

For many women, donor eggs offer the only chance they have to become a mother. There are many reasons why women need donor eggs, including: Premature menopause Being born without ovaries Previously having cancer treatment An inability to use their own eggs due to genetic causes Repeated lack of success using the IVF program In […]

Epidurals in labour

Epidurals are one of the most effective and popular methods of pain relief during labour. Like all things pregnancy related, you probably want to know about their benefits and risks. Will it pose a harm to me or my baby? What is an epidural? Epidural analgesia is an injection by a qualified anaesthetic into the […]

Exercise during conception planning: yes or no?

We all know that exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes to conception and pregnancy, you might get completely different advice like “absolutely no exercise”, or “only gentle exercise”. It’s understandable that couples can feel confused or scared, and therefore decide it’s better to be safe than sorry. But […]

Father’s role beyond fertilisation

Traditionally, women are held largely accountable for their offspring’s health. The male sperm is no doubt necessary for fertilisation but seems less important for the subsequent development compared to the female egg. However, growing research now suggests that the father’s role extends well beyond providing his half of the genetic information. It is capable of […]

Fertility Preservation for a Young Breast Cancer Patient

Fertility issues for young sufferers from breast cancer are complex. There are real health issues which go beyond the medical condition. Fertility can also be affected by radiation treatments and medication. The bottom line here is that the medical condition might spoil chances of having a family. This isn’t always the case, but it is […]

Fertility preservation for cancer patients

Largely due to today’s career and culture shift, women worldwide are giving birth later in life. For example, the average age of births was 25.4 years following the second World War, but it rose sharply to 30.6 years in 2017. Thanks to advancing fertility preservation technologies, many modern women have the option to “stop” their […]

Common childbirth myths addressed

It has been 9 months of pregnancy and now your bundle of joy is about to arrive. You may start hearing lots opinions from friends and mothers, as well as reading information on the internet. It is easy to get overwhelmed, confused and misinformed when it comes to delivery. This article will dispel some of […]