What’s it like to be born extremely early

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely, that is more than 1 in 10 babies. Unfortunately, preterm birth complications are one of the leading causes of death among young children. Among them, a small number of babies defy the odds and come way too early to the world at less than 25-28 weeks in […]
What you need to know about vaginal yeast infection (thrush)

Thrush is the colloquial term for Candida infection in Australia. It is a very common and usually irritating condition that most women will experience at some point in their lifetimes. Annoyingly, some women suffer from recurrent candida infections that are distressing for their daily life. What is thrush or candida? Candida is the most common […]
What you need to know about testosterone deficiency

Men’s sexual health is often a difficult conversation because of the stigma associated with reduced masculinity, but it’s nonetheless one that needs to be had. Androgen deficiency occurs when male hormones are low, which primarily concerns the hormone testosterone. However, its symptoms often go under the radar and even a confirmed diagnosis can be frequently […]

A miscarriage is something that happens more often than we would all like to see. It is incredibly difficult to let go and move on after a miscarriage. And for many couples, their most dreaded question is: “Why do miscarriages happen, and am I at high risk for it?” In this blog, we will be […]
What you need to know about fertility at advanced maternal age

Prior to embarking on any fertility treatment, it is invaluable to be able to predict an outcome. This heavily depends on the woman’s ovarian reserve, which is most reliably determined by the female age. At age 20, only approximately 2.4% of sexually active women cannot achieve a live birth. However, by age 40, 35% of […]
What medications are safe/dangerous during pregnancy?

During the 40 weeks of pregnancy, common ailments may arise, but the available medications are limited due to safety concerns. Some medications may could cause harm by interfering with embryo development, damaging the foetus’s organs, increasing the risk of miscarriage or damaging the placenta. Any of these scenarios could potentially put your baby’s life at […]
What is Social Egg Freezing and How Can it Help Me?

While falling pregnant may seem like a natural part of life, it’s not always as simple as it seems. Fortunately, the science regarding fertility has evolved over the years. This has empowered millions of women, helping them to get pregnant and parent children. For more than 30 years, egg freezing has been one way for […]
What is serology/antibody test for COVID-19 and how will it work?

A shortage of COVID-19 testing kits is a challenge currently faced by Australia and many other countries. A second type of testing, known as serology or antibody testing, may be the game changer in this chaos. What is serology testing? Instead of checking for the presence of COVID-19 virus itself, an antibody test will check […]
What Is Laparoscopy And Why It Is Important In Fertility Treatment

What is a laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is a keyhole surgery used to assess abnormalities in the female reproductive organs: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs. Patients could be recommended a laparoscopy due to pelvic pain, which is a characteristic symptom of gynaecological conditions. Although laparoscopy is not a routine step in first-line fertility evaluation, […]
What interventions can reduce COVID-19’s healthcare demand to below maximal capacity?

Many countries are ramping up measures to flatten the curve for the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the UK, which previously showed signs of letting herd immunity take its course. Massive policy changes were partly due to a recent epidemiological modelling report on non-pharmaceutical interventions by the Imperial College of London, which concluded: epidemic suppression is the […]